HAPPY a self help book by someone who hates self help books
There's a joke about a kid in school who is asked by his teacher what he intends to be when he grows up. To which he answers "happy." There's more to the joke but that bit is the point:Happy.
"Happy" is the core of what we want.
It is the holy grail of existence. We search for happiness every moment we exist. That is what we want to be. That is why we exist. This is a self-help book only in the loosest sense. It's really a primer on how to be happy.
"Bullshit," you're saying, right? I'm serious. No scam. No joke. No "read ten pages to find out where to order my $399 dvd set." Nothing like that at all. All I'm asking you to risk is $8.00. (...and the time it takes to read this.) I'm not hoping to get rich scamming 3000 idiots. (I am kind of hoping to get kinda rich, I suppose. I just want to do it by helping a bunch of folks be happy). I'm looking to make simple truth readily, easily and cheaply available.